
Refine a STIS trace table.

  • A trace is generated from the science file and a trace center is computed.

  • The two traces bracketing the trace center are extracted from the trace table and interpolated

  • The correction is computed as the difference between the linear fit to the science and interpolated traces

  • The correction is applied to all traces in the trace file for that particular OPT_ELEM and CENWAVE

  • A new trace table is written to the current directory and the relevant keywords are updates in the header of the input file.


Simple example of running mktrace on a STIS file named 'file.fits':

>>> import mktrace
>>> mktrace.mktrace('file.fits', [tracecen=509.4], [weights=[(x1,x2),(x3,x4)])

  • Author (IDL): Linda Dressel

  • Python version: Nadia Dencheva

class stistools.mktrace.Trace(file, kwinfo)

Trace class for a crj or flt file.


tr=Trace(file) file is a crj or flt file.

opt_elem, cenwave, sporder are read from the header of the science file a2center is a2center of the trace generated from the science file

tr_ind= tr.getTraceInd(a2center)

tr_ind is the index of the row in the trace file which brackets from below a2center as computed fro the generated trace


a2center = tr.generateTrace(...)


gFitTrace(specimage, y1, y2)

Fit a gaussian to each column of an image.

generateTrace(data, kwinfo[, tracecen, wind])

Generates a trace from a science file.


Finds the first trace in the trace table whose A2CENTER is larger than the specified a2center.


Returns a spectrum trace table


reads the specified row from the 1dttab.fits

writeTrace(fname, sciline, refline, ...)

The 'writeTrace' method performs the following steps:

gFitTrace(specimage, y1, y2)

Fit a gaussian to each column of an image.

generateTrace(data, kwinfo, tracecen=0.0, wind=None)

Generates a trace from a science file.


Finds the first trace in the trace table whose A2CENTER is larger than the specified a2center.


Returns a spectrum trace table


reads the specified row from the 1dttab.fits

writeTrace(fname, sciline, refline, interp_trace, trace1024, tr_ind, a2disp_ind)

The 'writeTrace' method performs the following steps:

  • Adds sciline-refline to all traces with the relevent OPT_ELEM, CENWAVE and SPORDER.

  • Writes the new trace table to the current directory.

  • Updates the SPTRCTAB keyword in the header to point to the new table.

  • Writes out fits files with the

    • science trace - '_sci'

    • the fit to the science trace - '_scifit'

    • the interpolated trace - '_interp'

    • the linear fit to the interpolated trace - '_interpfit'

stistools.mktrace.interp(y, n)

Given a 1D array of size m, interpolates it to a size n (m < n).

stistools.mktrace.mktrace(fname, tracecen=0.0, weights=None)

Refine a stis spectroscopic trace.